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The Crisis of 2008 What Really Happened Day by Day 4 Vols. |
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A extrema expansão fiscal e monetária interromperá a desaceleração global ou será uma receita de desastre? Medium 26 de Junho Estamos experimentando um grande experimento econômico. Governos e bancos centrais nos Estados Unidos e na Europa lançam pacotões de trilhões de dólares e de euros para estimular suas economias após a contração econômica devido ao bloqueio econômico (lockdown). Essas políticas salvarão a economia mundial ou são elas uma receita para o desastre? Uma análise dos fatos suscita sérias preocupações. Leia mais |
Coronavirus-Fehlplanung — Was ist wirklich passiert und warum lief es schief? Medium 16. Mai 2024 Das Runterfahren der Wirtschaft und die Stilllegung des sozialen Lebens konnten die Epidemie nicht stoppen. Das Virus verbreitete sich und zusätzlich zu dem durch die Epidemie selbst verursachten Leid haben viele Menschen aufgrund des so genannten „Lockdown“ immensen Schaden erlitten. Weiterlesen |
What did really happen in 2008? Did the great financial crisis appear by accident? Or was the collapse brought about by false policies? Is deregulation to blame for the meltdown? Or is the monetary policy of the central banks to blame? What occurred in the prelude to the crisis? Why could policymakers not prevent the crisis? Why were financial market operators not on the alert? This series of four volumes answers these questions. Volumes I, II, and III cover the great financial crisis of 2008 day by day while Volume IV presents analyses, backgrounders, and an outlook. Volume I records the prelude of the crisis, the period from January to December of 2007. Volume II investigates the path to the highpoint of the crisis from January to June 2008. Volume III examines the climax period from July 2008 to January 2009. Volume IV provides a comprehensive chronology of the crisis from 2008 to 2011 and analyzes its causes, the course of events, and its consequences. Anyone who wants to know what really happened must read these books. |
Capitalism Beyond the State and Politics Fully colored, expanded, and revised, large format textbook edition based on "Beyond the State and Politics. Capitalism for the New Millennium" (first edition April 2018). The present new edition of July 2018 contains an additional chapter on International Trade and Finance and includes a time-line of the economic crises and political transformation since 1913.This book shows why the traditional economic and social policies have not worked and why they will even less so function in the future. Buy here |
Beyond the State and Politics 如何登陆youtubeJuly 2018 revised and expanded. This book shows why the traditional policies have not worked and why they will even less so function in the future. As the author explains, the answer is not more of the old, but that we must eliminate politics and the state. We must do away with the conventional economic and social policies. Not more welfare state and government intervention are the answer but less state and more free capitalism. The policy agenda of the modern democracy asserts that government could prevent and cure unemployment, economic crises, recessions, depressions, inflation, deflation, and inequality and that the state could provide education, healthcare, and social security for all. The promises of rising incomes and employment dominate the political campaigns. Yet politics has never attained these assertions. In the time to come, the system of party politics will even less so fulfill its claims. The new technologies contain the solution of the problems they present. While technological progress destroys occupations, innovations make the economy more productive. Not growth and jobs are the key to the future but higher productivity. Buy here |
The "Debacle of Economic Stabilization Policies" explains how the great economic eruptions happen when the government and the central bank do not allow the small economic fluctuations to play out. The authorities hinder the return to a balance when false incentives and distorted market signals persist. When capital becomes scarcer, the interest rate should rise to signal this change. If, however, the central bank attempts to pump more money into the systems and to lower the interest rate, this policy will cover up the capital shortage. Cheap credit insinuates a profusion of funds that do not exist. Economic policy claims to stabilize the economy and keep it on its growth path. For that purpose, economic policy is said to pursue the aims to fight inflation and deflation, to prevent recessions and depressions and to promote economic growth. Yet, often, these policies themselves produce what the policy-makers claim to prevent and to cure. buy here |
"Feinde des Wohlstands" zeigt, was Kapitalismus und Sozialismus, Interventionismus und Wohlfahrtsstaat bedeuten. Es wird erklärt, welche Gefahren davon drohen, wenn die Grundlagen unseres Wohlstands durch falsche Vorstellungen aufs Spiel gesetzt werden. Es gilt die Verwirrungen aufzulösen, die von den Medien verbreitet werden und in den Schulen die Lehrpläne deformieren. Der Kapitalismus wird nicht besser, wenn man ihn in Richtung zu mehr Sozialismus umgestaltet. Um das Wirtschaftssystem zu verbessern, muss es mehr auf eine freie Marktwirtschaft hin ausgerichtet werden. Es geht darum, den Kapitalismus kapitalistischer zu machen. Die ersten drei Teile behandeln wie Sozialismus, Interventionismus und der Wohlfahrtsstaat den allgemeinen Wohlstand und die individuelle Freiheit zerstören. Der vierte Teil legt da, weshalb Staat und Politik überflüssig und schädlich sind. Im Anhang finden sich Quellenkommentar und eine ausführliche Bibliografie. Hier kaufen |
O livrinho "Fundamentos do Anarco-Capitalismo" explica porque a hora chegou de abandonar os mitos sobre o Estado, a política e a economia. O moderno sistema político-partidário não é nem democrático nem benéfico para o povo. Os parlamentos não são representativos. O atual sistema monetário internacional não promove a prosperidade. Para sair desses enigmas, mais Estado e mais política não ajudarão. Precisamos de uma sociedade livre e de uma economia livre. Um passo decisivo para alcançar esse objetivo é acabar com as eleições políticas. A tecnologia moderna permite a escolha de representantes por seleção aleatória. Uma assembleia legislativa cujos membros tomam posse por sorteio custaria menos que um sistema eleitoral, seria mais representativa e, nesse sentido, seria muito mais democrática. Com o tempo de serviço limitado, os representantes retornariam à sua vida civil depois dois anos e a legislação estaria livre dos males que acompanham o atual sistema de partidos políticos e seus políticos, cujo objetivo principal é o carreirismo e não a prosperidade do povo. Compre aqui |
Wirtschaftskrise: 2024 ist nicht 2008 手机怎么上youtube网站 28. Juni 2024 Der Ritt auf dem Rücken des Tigers geht weiter. Bereits bevor es zur gegenwärtigen Wirtschaftskrise aufgrund des Lockdowns gekommen ist, hatte die Europäische Zentralbank schon expansive geldpolitische Maßnahmen angekündigt. Jetzt soll nochmal nachgelegt werden. Was dabei herauskommt, zeichnet sich schon ab. Zur Rezession dürfte, über kurz oder lang, noch die Preisinflation dazu kommen. Statt einer „Stagflation light“ steht eine „Stagflation Plus“ an, eine Konstellation, für die man in den 1970er Jahren den Ausdruck „slumpflation“ geprägt hatte, wonach ein starker Wirtschaftseinbruch („slump “) zusammen mit einer Preisinflation auftritt. Weiterlesen Coronavirus: The Economic Consequences of a Failed Response Medium March 16, 2024 I have nothing to say about the fatality of the Coronavirus. I have something to say about the economic consequences of the virus outbreak and the response to it. Whatever the death rate from the coronavirus may be, the reaction to the threat is even more deadly. If the present economic blockade will go on, we will soon have no longer the means to provide basic supplies. Without transport, we will run out of food. Essential medicines will no longer be available. This is how a containment strategy works: ailment cured, patient dead. Read more |
„Kapitalismus Ohne Wenn und Aber“ ist eine radikale Fürsprache zugunsten eines freien Kapitalismus. Die Grundthese lautet, dass der Rückzug des Staates und das Ende der Politik den Weg zu Wohlstand und Freiheit eröffnen. Das gegenwärtige politische und wirtschaftliche System ist unfähig, die Zukunft zu meistern. Die heute vorherrschende sozialdemokratische Ideologie ist auf Beschäftigung und Umverteilung ausgerichtet. Worauf es jedoch ankommt, ist die Produktivität. Das 21. Jahrhundert wird jenen Ländern gehören, die dem Sozialismus, Demokratismus und Staatskapitalismus den Rücken kehren und sich entschieden in Richtung auf einen Kapitalismus frei von Staat und Politik zubewegen. Warum das so ist, zeigt dieses Buch. Hier kaufen |
"How Capitalism Creates Wealth & Promotes Prosperity" explains how capitalism brings freedom and prosperity, and more capitalism leads to more freedom and prosperity. Yet most countries move the other way. Governments try to control, organize, and tame capitalism as much as they can. Many people believe that the best economic system is the welfare state. Yet what they get is less well-being, less prosperity, and less freedom. The anti-capitalist mentality demands a high price. Who pays the bill is the common man. Most of the ailments that politicians, the media, and the leftist in academia diagnose are not the result of capitalism but its lack. The cure to poverty is not less but more capitalism. The cure for environmental problems is not more regulation but better property rights. Private education would not only be much cheaper than the present system but also more creative and much better tuned to the needs of the student. The social-democratic era is coming to its end. The 21st century will belong to those countries that embrace radical capitalism. Instead of making capitalism more socialist, we need a more capitalist capitalism. Free capitalism together with the drastic reduction of the state and the abolishment of politics would do away with the financial burdens that afflict the modern citizen. Not state intervention in economic life leads to prosperity. The path to affluence is the withdrawal of the state and the end of politics. The new millennium will belong to those societies that discard the administrative state and move towards a capitalism that is free of the state and of politics. This booklet is based on the comprehensive monograph "Beyond the State and Politics. Capitalism for the New Millennium." Buy here |
This new enlarged and revised edition July 2018 of "Principles of Anarcho-Capitalism and Demarchy" is based on excerpts from "Beyond the State and Politics. Capitalism for the New Millennium" (KDP 2018) ‘Anarcho-capitalism’ is the name of a governance that has property, freedom, and non- aggression as its first principles. Classical liberalism put the property into the center of its system of governance. Yet the classical liberals were not strict enough in holding up the barrier against the erosion of the property rights. A political order of freedom requires a society with a minimum of state. Yet anarchism in the sense of no authoritative force does not mean that order would not exist. According to the ideal of the liberal order, there will be a legal and a social order in place - only that it will be private. Anarcho-capitalism demands private institutions that take care of internal and external security. Anarcho-capitalism does not promote anarchy but the transformation of the state as a public institution into a private legal order. Taking away power from the state is a moral necessity in the face of the prospect that the new technologies would put such an immense arsenal of surveillance and control into the hands of the state that a future totalitarian regime could exert complete control over the individual and produce the uttermost terror. Therefore, to establish an anarcho-capitalist order is a matter of human dignity. What needs to be done as practical steps to establish a new order of liberty is a change of the system of selection of the representatives through a lottery, called 'demarchy' or sortition. This form of governance selects the members of the legislature as a random sample from a pool of candidates formed by the citizens of a community. A stateless society would then require that this General Assembly hires a private government management company to run the business of government under the supervision of the legislature. Buy here |
How Gullible Politicians Promoted the Destruction of the Global Economy and Threw Us into the Abyss of Serfdom Medium March 31, 2024 Anyone with some basic knowledge in mathematical modeling who had taken a look at the structure of the “Imperial College”-model would have noted the faults of this approach and its exaggerations. The model’s prognosis that the United Kingdom would have to count with more than half a million deaths and a complete overload of its health system reversed the British government’s earlier decision to use prudential surveillance and specifically targeted intervention and to shift to the full-control strategy, which required massive intervention into the public and private life of the nation. The leaders of other countries that were somewhat still in doubt jumped on the bandwagon and the march into a tyrannical State was programmed. Read more |
Modern Monetary Theory is no Magic Money Tree Medium May 20, 2019 Old wine in new bottles is a recurring phenomenon in economics, particularly if it is the bad wine of economic ideas that failed in the past. Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is neither modern nor a theory — it is the attempt to sell something as new which is spoiled and rotten. While promising to cure all kinds of economic woes, MMT is the poisonous elixir that will ruin those who take it as it has happened before. Read the full paper here. Originally published at http://www.adamsmith. org on May 20, 2024. |
This book provides a devastating attack against the prevailing conception of economic policy according to which the government and the monetary authorities have to stabilize the economy. This claim implies the assumption that the market economy is unstable. Yet what if when it is not the market economy but politics which produces instability? What if when the policy managers fabricate the opposite of their claim? What if when they do not smooth the business cycle but make it more extreme? What if when monetary policy does not cure inflation but instigates the erosion of the purchasing power of money? The great economic eruptions happen when the government and the central bank do not allow the small economic fluctuations to play out. The authorities hinder the return to a balance when false incentives and distorted market signals persist. When capital becomes scarcer, the interest rate should rise to signal this change. If, however, the central bank attempts to pump more money into the systems and to lower the interest rate, this policy will cover up the capital shortage. Cheap credit insinuates a profusion of funds that do not exist. Economic policy claims to stabilize the economy and keep it on its growth path. For that purpose, economic policy is said to pursue the aims to fight inflation and deflation, to prevent recessions and depressions and to promote economic growth. Yet, often, these policies themselves produce what the policymakers claim to prevent and to cure. |
This book shows the failure of socialism, interventionism, and the welfare state. Internationally renowned economist Antony Mueller analyses why socialism brings misery, the suppression of freedom, and a broken economy. Interventionism comes along with political populism and results in state capitalism and the growth of government. People like to praise this mixed system as a welfare state, but they fail to recognize that this politics does not lead to the hoped-for Eldorado but is the path to stagnation. The welfare state produces most of the social ailments, which the government claims to heal. The more generous the social assistance, the larger the number of social welfare recipients, and the higher the burden, the more the shadow economy will flourish. When the tax code gets more complicated, tax evasion rises. The more access to public healthcare and medication, the sicker people become. The higher the percentage of a populational cohort that attends high schools and colleges, the lower the educational level. Interventionism discourages innovation and leads to a waste of resources due to the cost of regulation and the misallocation brought about by the state intervention. The results are perpetual fiscal and monetary crises. |